Hi @rdennisj57! Some tables are calculated and not able to be used in a GI setting as you have seen and described.
The only way to get a similar GI is to find the associated tables which are feeding into this table and then use these in the GI attempting to create the same calculations either in the joins or in the results.
Alternatively, you could create a SQL view which uses the above method but stores the joins and results into one view which can be used on the GI to power the dashboard.
I would recommend to scout the screens which have the data you are looking for to gather the associated tables and either make a SQL view or add them into GI and it should work similarly.
Thank you Benjamin for the quick reply!
When using the SQL View approach, is it possible to create/use a constructor method for the SQL View’s related DAC, that would allow me to execute C# code that would populate the view?
The challenge is that I don’t see any way I could populate the view with data via joins/results. Each row in this table has a from- and to-date that must be calculated based on MRP Buckets in another table. That’s probably why the MRP Requirements by Item Inquiry is not written as a GI?