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Group in Report running over two pages

  • 25 November 2021
  • 21 replies

Is anyone able to help me with getting these headers to stick together on one page? I am very new to this system and just fumbling my way through however when groupHeaderSection3 and detailSection1 run over two different pages it doesn’t look right. I have tried a page break however then the section above is small it also looks odd



Hi @ChandrasekharM did you have a chance to check out @PamLeek ‘s report? Thanks!

Hi Please see attached.

Hi @PamLeek  Please post the latest report file, so that we can try to review and fix it. And then communicate the solution to you.


Hi @PamLeek from the below screenshot posted by @vkumar, do you have any details in groupHeaderSection4. You can remove this section if nothing is there. You can right click on the group and delete it.


Hi I have tried that with the below settings but it didn’t work, I get where you are going with this though @ChandrasekharM is there maybe something I just need to change to get the group to always report on the same page together whether that be page 1 or page 2??



Hi @PamLeek Please try inserting a new group just above the details. Add the Description, Units, Unit Price, Total Price to this new group.


@ChandrasekharM  that is correct because the first part is sometimes really long it pushes the information across two pages however when the information above is shorter I still want it together, either way i want it to not break across the pages.

@PamLeek  I’m sorry and I’m bit confused with your above comment. Can you please elaborate and explain the issue details.

Hi @PamLeek Per my understanding from the above, I think you need the Description,Units, Unit Price, Total Price to be above the line items. Please confirm. 

Hi My problem is when Header Section 1 is long (which will be most of the time and it contains detailed terms and conditions and exclusions for the project, you get this with the header section 3 not directly above the detail section. I can’t move the items out of the detail section as it doesn’t list all the costings for the quote



Yes @ChandrasekharM  you are correct. This problem will be solved when we set the Page Break to NONE.

Hi @PamLeek , Also I see that the Keep Together is set to “True” from the above screenshot. You should be fine. 

Hi @PamLeek  Yes, that is the issue, which I was indicated in my first comment. 
I was hoping that you have done that. :grin:

As suggested, please do change related to Page Break = NONE and verify.

Hi @PamLeek 

You have set a ‘PageBreak’ before the groupheader section2. This was causing the issue. 

Set the Pagebreak to ‘none’ and it prints all contents in one page. 


Its printing on one page now.





please see attached

@PamLeek  Here is the option to upload the files here.



@Naveen B sorry i don’t know how to do that? I have saved it to my desktop but can’t find an upload option

Hi @PamLeek  If possible, can you please share the report here.

Hi The page break doesn’t help as I want these sections to stay together and not break over a pge. The section beefore hand can sometimes have a very lenghty description in it that it picks yp frm our MYOB program and will sometimes be quite short. I want the header and the detail lines of the table to stick together either on page 1 or on page 2 if that makes sense?

Hi @PamLeek 

Please check the Paper size ( Height in particular ) and compare the Height value set for each group and detail section together. 

I suspect the height mentioned for group is exceeding the page height, hence its moving the content to second page. 


Hope this helps,


Hi @PamLeek  Have provided “Page Break” = NONE and verified?

If you already verified and did not work, can you please share the report here.

