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Hello everyone!

I’m trying to create a Generic Inquiry that produces a report listing the materials contained in a multi-level BOM and some information about those materials. The difficult part is that many (but not all) BOMs contain BOMs within them, which themselves can also contain BOMs, and I want those material items to be listed as well.

I’m able to get the first level BOM materials in one report, and I can get the second level BOM materials in another, but not at the same time in the same report.

I’m looking at the tables “AMBomItem”, “AMBomMatl” and “InventoryItem”, which I believe are all the tables I need, and have Inner join types between them based on bomId and InventoryId.

So, my question is this: how do I write the GI in such a way as to get all the layers of BOMs and their material constituents? Is there are way to recursively go through each BOM item to check if it contains a BOM itself and if so get those items?

Any help is appreciated!

Attached is the .apx file for the GI, with some screenshots of the GI settings.

The purpose of this GI is to get the Supplier Price and the Effective Date of each of the items to help ensure our prices are up to date. 


Tables used


Relations between tables


Conditions Tab
Results Tab



I don't believe that there's a way to recurse in a GI.  In the past we have done similar by creating a SQL view and exposing it to Acumatica as a DAC.  

