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Awesome @arjan  Thanks for sharing the update.

Hi @Naveen B i sent the original report, before making those changes. thought maybe there is a issue with the report itself and how it was setup in first place. However, when i have both ARTran-SOOrder and ARTran-SOLine (LineNbr added) setup, report works just fine with ShippedQty and no duplication.


Hi @arjan  I just reviewed your report, and it seems you have NOT added the SOLine Joins in the RELATIONSHIPS tab.

You made join between ARTran and SOOrder but NOT ARTran and SOLine, hence you are getting that issue.

Add the SOLine with ARTran as suggested abouve and verify. 


Here is the screenshot for your reference.


@Naveen B  please see attached zip file.

Hi @arjan  There is something wrong! Can you please share your report here.

@Naveen B     SOLine.ShippedQty


along with your suggestion above, i also added table relation for ShippedQty. throws same error.

Hi @arjan  In report, what value you have provided for the SHIP ? 

Hi Naveen,

can you please expand more on other areas that need attention?

report preview works when changes above haven’t made.


Hi @arjan  The above issue is NOT with the newly added JOINs, you might need to check the other areas where it is causing this issue. 


Hi @arjan If that is the case,  we need to check all the joins conditions, whether we have properly applied or not.

I’m seeing one more on this issue with the joins. Please find the details below.

  • REMOVE the Join records between (ARTran and SOOrder) and (SOOrder and SOLine) 
  • Add new join between ARTran and SOLine with the below conditions (since you wanted to see only SOline Shipped Qty → no need to join with SOOrder). 

Please find the screenshot for reference.



Hi @Naveen B ,


it is still the same after following all the guidance.

Hi @arjan   The SOOrder and SOLine join is wrong, and it should be like below.



Hi - you are getting this because the SO is the parent of SOLine (One to many) and so if there is more than on line in the SO - you get duplicates.

Try joining the ARTan to the SOLine first - and then to the SO - that way you maintain the one to one with the ARTran - and use the SO as a ‘lookup’

Also - your join is not correct - you need to join SOLine to SO by RefNbr 

Hint : Try this in a GI first - you can use the related tables feature to find how to join the tables.



