I have been working through an issue that has me stumped where on the invoice report, it is assigning a completely random ship-via code to drop shipments.
Ship Via displayed on the printed invoice
Ship Via on the freight details on the invoice
As you can see, it doesn't match up. However, I did some more digging and realized that it isn't even recognizing the shipment type.
Shipment type on the printed invoiceShipment type on the freight details on the invoice
Here is the relationship between SOShipment and SOFreightDetail in report writer.
Thanks for the help!
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I’d like to ask for more information, to help answer your question.
Please use Inspect Element to show the Data Class & Data Field name that you see on the Invoice or Shipment data entry screen.
Example: Shipping tab of Shipments screen SO302000:
Then show us the field name that is on the Invoice report. Example: Shipment Confirmation Report # SO642000, Ship Via Field:
Last, please show us the Relationship(s) that connect the first Data Class in the screen, to the Ship Via field on the Report:
Relationship between Data Class SOShipment and Data Class Carrier
Thank you.
I searched the Community for help with the Join and found this useful post, answered by NathanKeating. The post includes a GI that links the same tables you are trying to link.
Nathan used only Shipper Number to join SOFreightDetails to SOShipment table, and only OrderNumber to join SOFreightDetails to SOOrder table.
I hope you find some good information in the link! If not, someone else will come along to help you.
Hi @aidenwills15 Please clarify if the dropshipment referred by you is associated with a Purchase Receipt. And the Sales Order has a Shipvia “DROPSHIP”? Also, please provide screenshots on the data you are looking in the report.
Hello everyone,
I have finally figured it out. I had linked the SOShipment to the SOFreightDetail. Because of this, it was pulling the data from another shipment that had the same number as the purchase receipt, hence where that ShipVia code was coming from. I fixed this by connecting the SOInvoice to the SOFreightDetails and relating them by RefNbr, which made it pull the data from that tab on the invoice.
A silly mistake from me, but I hope this can maybe help someone in the future!
Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @aidenwills15!
Hi @Laura02 , thanks for the response!
Here is the data class and data field.
Here is the field I am attempting to use
I am unsure if this is what you mean, but this is the relationship I am using in report writer.
I hope this helps!
It looks like I missed part of the original post - sorry for making you repeat yourself.
Please try Joining on CompanyID as well as shipment Number and Shipment type. It looks like CompanyID is a key field in both SOShipment and SOFreightDetail.
If joining on CompanyID doesn’t solve the problem...SOFreightDetail actually has 7 key fields: CompanyID, DocType, RefNbr, ShipmentNbr, ShipmentType, OrderType and OrderNbr.
Thank you!
Hi Laura,
Do you mean on the relationship between SOShipment and SOFreightDetails? I do not see CompanyID in either.
I identified for the Key Fields on SOShipment and SOFreightDetail using SQL Server.
Now I’ve got the Shipment Confirmation report open, and I’m seeing whether I can add SOFreightDetail table to Shipment confirmation by joining to SOShipment. I’ll report back shortly.
Hi Laura,
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work. Thanks for the suggestion! The strange thing is, it seems to be working correctly for normal shipments. However, when it comes to drop-shipments, it recognizes them all as normal shipments.
Hi Chandra,
Yes, it is associated with a purchase receipt. The sales order also has a shipvia of drop-ship. When you say the data I am looking at, so you mean the fields I am using?