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I’m trying to sort out default locations for vendors using the vendor location generic inquiry. I’m able to add the “IsDefault” from the Location Table to the results grid in the generic inquiry but when I run the query no locations are marked as default, even though obviously one for each vendor should be the default. Am I missing a step or choosing an incorrect field?

Hi @Therese Ertler 

As I mentioned above the IsDefault field is not fetching value from DB on 20R2 version and below, But same working on 21R2.

In 20R2, We can add the formula and get the checkbox value, Try like below

=IIf( ((BAccount.DefLocationID]<>gLocation.LocationID]), True, False )

Refer the below screenshots with the IsDefault field,





This definitely helped me solve the immediate problem, even if I don’t love the way it looked ha. We are planning to upgrade in the next few months, but I so very much appreciate the help! You have saved me quite a bit of time! Thank you!

Thank you. Looks promising, but will take a while to reconfigure GI since Customer was not included as was relying on bAccount field on contact as customer. In middle of splitting branches, so may not get back to for a couple of weeks. In meantime, just manually updated primary on new records.

Hi @Therese Ertler  IsDefault is the right filed to know the Default Location of respective Vendor. 

I have added the IsDefault field in the Vendor Location GI, and I can able to see the proper results.

Please find the screenshots for your reference.



Hi @Therese Ertler  I don’t see any issue on the above GI, the same GI is available in my instance and it is working for me.

Hi @Therese Ertler 

Which Acumatica version you are using?. I assume you are using the old version. 

Old version ISDefault field is the unbound field. That is the reason maybe you are not getting the checkbox as checked

@Therese Ertler  “Unboud Field” means a virtual field and the data will be not be loaded directly from the Database. 

@Therese Ertler In all the Acumatica versions, IsDefault field is an unbound field (value will not be saved to the database). But this field is having a reference with Bound filed i.e. DefLocation from BAccount table. 

In the Vendors, screen → Locations tab → Set as Default. When we click on this button current row Location ID value will be updated in the DefLocation field in the BAccount table.


ere is formula to display IsDefault checkbox:

rPXDBCalced(typeof(IIf<BAccountR.defLocationID.IsEqual<locationID>, True, False>), typeof(bool))]


Hope this helps!

Hi @dmzasdf 

  1. Join the Customer with the baccount and contact table 
  2. Add the below formula to get the default contact​​​​​​

=IIf( (


@dmzasdf  - I believe that would be correct if they can’t answer

Thank you, @Chris Hackett 

Will try to re-post. By support do you mean, tell my VAR who then opens a ticket with Acumatica?

Hi @dmzasdf  - You may want to post your query as a new question for increased visibility. Please note while community members try to help, they are all volunteers. If you have a pressing issue, you may consider contacting your support. Thank you!

Is this forum moderated by Acumatica? We successfully upgrade over the weekend, but still have the numbering concern. Is there another way I should be submitting this concern?

Just found that my Default Contact ID are one less than the correct Contact ID, so that’s why I’m not getting any hits. I can work around it in formula, but makes me nervous being out of sync. System working correctly, so is that just the way it is on Vendors which I’m working on now?

Now moved on to vendors and solution working until trying to include contact address and note from contact. Above formula always resulting as 1. Since we have 139 primary contacts, would like to get generic inquiry corrected so can use single import into new branch.



How would this apply for the IsDefault contact for a customer?

@jinin I’m on 2020 R2 Build 20.207.0012, and not sure what “unbound field” means, but maybe that is the issue.

I’m not sure how to share a GI aside from screenshots below:

Hi @Therese Ertler  Have you done any other modifications in the GI related to tables JOINS.

Can you please share your GI, just wanted to cross verify.

Thanks Naveen, what your screenshots show is exactly what I was expecting, but I have no boxes checked in the default column in my system. Very odd. I was hoping someone else had experienced a similar issue or that I had missed a step.  Any chance it is a bug in 2020 R2 Build 20.207.0012 (we are a couple builds behind)?

