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External File Storage

  • 1 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Is there any solution/possibility of files/documents uploaded into Acumatica (e.g. attaching PDF of an invoice to an invoice entry in Acumatica) can also be viewed in an external read/write file sharing and storage environment?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @dsenevirathne54 

I have a way to do this. Please refer to it to see if it helps you.

Step 1: You create a Customer or Inventory or Warehouse with the access restriction feature.


Step 2: You save files/documents to this Customer or Inventory or Warehouse in the FILES section.

Step 3: Create the User with whom you want to share files/documents. Create an access restriction feature for this User to only see the Customer or Inventory or Warehouse that you want to share.


Best Regards,


Badge +12

Is there any solution/possibility of files … be[ing] viewed in an external read/write file sharing and storage environment?

I’m assuming you’re talking out-of-the-box presently available functionality.

The answer is, yes and no. The External File Storage feature saves the documents with ugly file names, (guids I believe), which would make it difficult to find a particular document, but you can find and open them in the external file storage provider if you have access.
