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We have just integrated our Azure AD and MYOBAdvanced for Single Sign On. It is working well. However, Outlook add-in has no feature of SSO yet. We wanted to use 2FA for Outlook plugin if it doesn’t support SSO. Can we enable 2FA only for few native users if SSO is already enabled in the system ? Looks like, It is not possible as the option is not available. Just wanted to have a confirmation on this topic. How can we make a login secured for Outlook plugin users in MYOBAdvanced?

Hi @abhishekkc - I am moving this to the MYOB forum for better visibility.

Hi ​@Laura02 , any idea on this?


I searched “2FA” in Acumatica Community and found 30 related topics. The thread below, answered by Doug Johnson, discusses enabling 2FA for all users versus over-riding the default for individual users.


Good luck,


Hi ​@Laura02 , We have already enabled SSO in our MYOB site. This will not allow us to use 2FA feature of MYOB at the same time. Isn’t this correct? Because, Right now, there is no option to enable 2fa for users.



If you didn’t find a solution by searching 2FA and reading the prior posts…. this topic may need to wait for Monday when the “IT People” are back from the Thanksgiving holiday. 😉 

I’m flattered you “called” me, but SSO & 2FA are outside my expertise.



Hi ​@abhishekkc were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
