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Hi all,

Can anyone help me to create multiple taxes such and withholding and vat tax into single Bills and adjustment form. please




Dear All,

Issue sorted, I have done a mistake while configuring Report setting form and once corrected issue sorted. Thank you very much for your support.


Venuka kaushalya


Is this the Output that you want?

VT13 is my VAT

WC158 is my Witholding Tax



Hi , yes this is what I need, Can you help me please.

Thank you.


Is this the Output that you want?

VT13 is my VAT

WC158 is my Witholding Tax



dear Laura,

Thanks for your support. I did create all these except mapping of same tax agency for both VAT and WHT. Is that can be an issue.




Can you kindly advice and thank you again for your support.

Create tax agency for VAT. Create Tax ID for VAT.  Add VAT tax ID to the Tax Category and to the Tax Zone(s).

Then both VAT and withholding tax will calculate on your AP bills.


Thank you Laura,

According to the help I was able to setup withholding tax and when I was creating AP bill Witholding tax is getting calculated.

Now I need to apply VAT and WHT together into the same bill. I have not created tax agency for VAT but created for WHT. 

I have created Taxes, Tax Category, Tax zones then linked to vendor and items. still VAT part is not getting calculated.



Venuka Kaushalya

Hello @venukakaushalya43 ,

There is an option to automatically create/not create AP Bills from Tax module. Do you have this setting checked on?

Vendors profile Tax Agency tab

If you have the above option checked ON, are you saying that Acumatica combined VAT and Withholding taxes into one AP Bill, when it should not?

Are VAT and Withholding owed to the same tax agency vendor?

One option is to turn off ‘automatically generate tax bill’ and manually enter two AP Bills using figures from the Tax reports.

Another option is to set up 2 separate tax agency vendors (copy the first vendor) and connect VAT to one vendor, connect Withholding to the second tax agency vendor, and allow Acumatica to automatically generate 2 tax bills.


