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How to correctly override tax amount in Bills and Adjustment

  • 8 February 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi! I would like to ask if it is really possible to override tax amount in Payables Module - Bills and Adjustment. I tried doing it in one of our vendors (Vatinc) but it resulted to wrong value of entries. Can someone enlighten me on how to properly override tax amount.

Gross Amount: P31,200.00

Taxable Amt.: P27,678.51

Tax Amt.: P3,321.49

Withholding Tax: P276.82

I attached the screenshots of the transaction.

Thank you very much.


2 replies

Userlevel 7

Hi @chacalawagan  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Badge +18

Hello @chacalawagan ,

I’m not sure I understand the example above, and I’d like to clarify, please. 

You mention that tax was adjusted and the adjustment didn’t work.  It will be helpful for us to see Before and After, with the incorrect taxes highlighted or noted.  (You mention vendor VatInc, and I don’t see them in the screen shot.)

Which tax was changed, which tax is incorrect? -- withholding tax on detail line 1, or INPUTVATINCGOODS on the Taxes tab?

What is the correct/incorrect amount of tax? 

What method was used to change the tax/where was it changed?

Also it may help to see the Taxes screen so we can understand how the INPUTVATINCGOODS tax is configured.

Thank you.

