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How can we limit the access of some vendors and P.Os related to the vendor? 


I have not been able to implement the instructions due to some access limitations. 

I appreciate your feedback. 


Thank you, Shankar


First, we can connect vendors to a branch and connect employees to a branch role. The employees in the role can see only the vendors who are also in the same branch.

Second, if the vendors needing to be hidden don’t line up with the employees by branch, then you can look into Restriction Groups. Restriction groups can work two ways, regular and inverse. The groups can represent which vendors the employees CAN see, or which vendors the employees CANNOT see. Also the 2 group types control what happens when an employee or a vendor is in multiple restriction groups. You’ll want to read the details in the online help and experiment with the different types of restrictions in your test environment before rolling out to production.

HI @sbhattarai 

You would need to create Row Level Security for this.

Here is a help article:

You need to first create the restriction group

Then give access to those vendors


