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Only some of our users are seeing this message. Is there a permission or something that throws this notice up? Thanks in advance.


It will be helpful to see the error message as well as the screen you are in, in your screen shot. Look for Delay feature of snipping tool.



This is on the Sales Order screen. Only certain members get this error, not everyone.


Hi, @bnaumann  This is related to Item Available Qty but NOT related to customers.


When there is no availability for that Stock Item and trying to place Sales Order with more qty than available, the system will show this warning message. Please find the screenshot for reference.




Hi @bnaumann 

Please try the following by logging on as the user who has the issue. Let us know if that works. 



Neither of these worked. The issue is I can see the yellow bubble and others with the same privelages as me cannot see the yellow quantity bubble. We cannot find any reasoning for this.

Hi, I am thinking about possible differences in browser, device, or workstation. When you say that others  with the same rights cannot see the warning, are you logged in as them at your device, using your browser, or are you looking over their shoulder at a different device or browser?

If you are logged in as the user (Use log in as feature from top of Users screen) at your workstation using the same browser, this eliminates browser settings and device settings as potential causes of the missing error.

Have you tried clearing browser cache (erase browsing history)? Sometimes when I have unusual results, clearing browser cache has helped.


I will try that once they are in the building. I logged in as both affected users and it does not show the message on my browser/device either.

This also did not work… Same browser versions, permissions, everything. They are both higher on the management chain and have very high credentials and still cannot see the error.


Hi @bnaumann have you been able to resolve your issue or do you still need assistance from @laura01 ? Thank you!

I have not found an answer yet. Assistance would be great! Thanks!!

I    might have the same issue. I have admin permissions. Different browser/cleared cache, did a reset to default for columns. On my test tenant I do see the warning though. Is there a check box/setting/drop down like warning for validate min markup in SO preferences? 

Live tenant:

Test Tenant shows warning


I    might have the same issue. I have admin permissions. Different browser/cleared cache, did a reset to default for columns. On my test tenant I do see the warning though. Is there a check box/setting/drop down like warning for validate min markup in SO preferences? 

Live tenant:

Test Tenant shows warning


I am still dealing with this. Hopefully we get an answer soon!

@bnaumann - I would suggest to create a support ticket so that support can login as the various users and try to duplicate the issue.

Did you figure this out? We have the same issue

Did you figure this out? We have the same issue

Never did. Eventually just evened out.

I am experiencing the same issue with a customer.  Her user roles are the same as another - the other sees them.  This rules out user roles.  I ruled out things like the web browser and other things by signing in as that user.  When I am signed in as that user, I do not see the negative stock warning.


What could possibly cause this?



Were you able to find an answer to this? A customer is experiencing this with one user only. I created a new user with the same roles and the negative warning display as expected. Thanks.

Hi ​@jchan86 

Please try the following and let us know the result.

  • Logon as the user who is having the issue. 
  • Open SO entry screen
  • Open the Column Configuration window 
  • Select ‘Reset to default’
  • Close the session and logon again.

Let us know the result. 

@jchan86 - Resetting the Column Configuration to Default did resolve the issue (as shown above).

Thank you Vijay and Debbie, 

Confirming “reset to default” worked for me. 


Hi ​@jchan86 

Please try the following and let us know the result.

  • Logon as the user who is having the issue. 
  • Open SO entry screen
  • Open the Column Configuration window 
  • Select ‘Reset to default’
  • Close the session and logon again.

Let us know the result. 

