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I know how to create volume-based price breaks for individual items in the Sales Prices worksheet. However, it would be a lot more convenient if we could set volume-based price breaks at the item class level. For example, if the customer orders over 1000 lbs, then reduce the base price by 10%.

Is it possible to do this in Acumatica?

Hi, @rosenjon Here is my understanding. If a Customer places a Sales Order with $1000 and you wanted to provide a discount of 10% based on the Item Price Class level?

If yes, you can configure the Automatic Group Discount for the Item Price Class Level, so that when Order is placed with an item related to that Item Price Class, it will apply the discount and reduce the order total based on the discount configuration. Please find the screenshots for reference.






You could create your discount based on Item Price Classes and a negative discount, and then modify your documents to only display the Discounted Unit Price.  To avoid confusion, you could also hide the other columns in the sales order lines so the salespeople only see the end price based on the quantity.  

An example of what the discount would look like:


And, how it looks on a sales order.  This has the result of effectively increasing the sales price as the quantity goes up:


@Naveen B I still don’t have access to Ideas. If someone wants to give me access, I’m happy to post it. I think that this would be a good feature to include, since the Sales Prices form let’s you search for items by item class or price class, but you can only create the volume discounts at the individual item level, which is very tedious.


@markusray17 Yes. My main area of concern is that discounts cause side effects in other areas of the system (i.e. price/unit calculations in GIs, etc.) I don’t want to be constantly chasing my tail trying to customize my way out of the problem in more and more areas).


@KristenSchneider Yes, thank you for this suggestion. I have already been experimenting with negative discounting in the way that you suggest. Thanks for highlighting the discount unit price column…. I hadn’t really paid attention to that field before but it definitely gets me closer to what I want. Per my feedback to @markusray17, I am still a little concerned about chasing my tail everywhere trying to make the system look the way I want, when it currently works perfectly with the volume based discounts functionality wise. The only issue with volume based discounts in the sales price worksheet is that it is difficult to manage (and I am also worried about performance problems in the system related to setting multiple volume price tiers for every single item in the system).

Hi @Naveen B -

While the functionality you point to does technically have the ability to do what I want, it isn’t what I want from a user perspective. For example, our volume pricing starts at base (best price we offer at highest volume purchase), and then increases the less you order. So if you order the minimum amount, for example, then that could be 2x the base price.

If we set this up with discount codes, it is confusing for the salesperson, because they don’t see the $/unit correctly, and it is bad for the customer, because we would be showing a negative discount most of the time (since base is the best price….the “discount” is a negative discount from the discount codes makes the order more expensive).

The functionality in the sales price worksheet to set different prices for a specific item at different break quantities works perfect for our use case. It properly populates the correct unit price automatically in the sales order or quote based on the amount ordered. However, it really should be possible to do this at an item price class level. Otherwise, it seems we are forced to set this up on an individual item basis. Am I correct in thinking this?

The sales price worksheet can be managed outside the system in some fashion to deal with the price breaks being specific to each item, but it would be way simpler to be able to specify these breaks for specific price classes, the same way that it can be done in the Discounts screen….

Maybe I’m still missing something. Let me know if I’m making sense...



Hi @rosenjon 

There is no out of the box option available to set the quantity break at Item class level while setting up Item sale price using Price worksheets at present. 
You may post a request on our ideas page ( 

Since the sales price worksheet gives you an option to upload the details from an excel, it may just make it convenient to set the price with break quantity at item level and also to update. 


hi @rosenjon ,

In continuation to above statement, I feel this can be still managed with discount code set to item price class with break quantities.


After the above configuration, click on update discount button


Multiple break up based on the qty that would be purchased tied to item price class 


You can remove the discounts from showing on the report via the report designer. On the SOLine there are Group/Document DiscountRate fields that you can use to calculate the net unit price to show to customers.

I don’t know if I would call them side effects but yes the annoying part is that anytime you need the net price on a GI you would have to calculate it using those fields. 


The alternate option would be to do a deeper customization and actually add a net sale price field. Its more upfront work but it would be available on GIs/screens/reports. We don’t use negative discounts but we do need to see the net price including group/document discounts and that’s the route I ended going.


The discount unit price doesn’t include group/document discounts, just line discounts, but if you are only using line discounts that is an easier solution. 

The discount unit price pointed out by @KristenSchneider seems to only appear if you set discount codes with Discount Type = “Line” and Applicable To = “Item”.

If you do Discount Type = “Group” and Applicable To = “Item”, then the discount unit price is not calculated.

This is an issue for me, since I need the price/item to be shown after the discount on a per line item basis.

Is there any way to calculate the discount on the aggregate of the item quantity for the whole document, but still show the post-discount price per item? I know it can be done with customization, just curious if anyone knows of a way to do it without?

I prototyped this both ways, and in the end I went with setting the price for each break quantity in the sales price worksheet. I just wrote a program that creates a tsv file with the correct values, and can then be opened and saved in Excel for upload to Acumatica as a Sales Price Worksheet. This can also be done for customer specific pricing, which basically gives me most of what I want.

I do want the ability to have aggregate item quantities in an order trigger the higher volume price tier. It would be nice if this feature was added to sales price worksheets in the future. In the meantime, I may just make a customization where the user can hit a button to trigger repricing of the order based on quoting the same item multiple times (and thus triggering the higher volume price break in aggregate). This leaves it up to the user to trigger the repricing.

@rosenjon  In the Sales Prices/Sales Price Worksheet, OOB, we cannot define prices based on the Item Class or Item Price Classes.

As an alternative, as I said above you can go with the discounts. If this is confusing your customers, as a final option you can go with the Customization with your requirements. 

As @vkumar  indicated above you can create an IDEA here for future consideration.

@markusray17 Actually, as I think about this a little harder, we do want aggregate discounts based on the total order quantity of a specific item within a quote/order, versus just line level. So I guess I will need to use discount codes after all. Hmmm...this is why I like to hash this stuff out before building anything.

@Naveen Boga What would be the optimal way to setup price breaks based on quantity purchases and then sync those over to a BigCommerce environment?



Hello, I know the information provided here is a workaround to accomplish what you needed, but there is also a product called Rockton Pricing Management, with this feature already built in.  RPM allows for quantity breaks by utilizing a filter.  (i.e. filter on item class) as well as many other pricing features.    If interested, you can find more information in the Acumatica Marketplace.   Take care!
