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Hello, i am trying to work on non stock kit flows:

image 1 shows the non stock kit simple two components.

image 2 and 3 show the sales order and shippment

image 4 is action print picklist, but why the pick list does not who the two components as specified in the kit spec as in image 1?  RATHER, it only shows to pick the non stock kit.. 

please help anyone

thank you




image 2 and 3





@BenjaminCrisman I created a new post just in case others have run into this: 


@zoeymuff Can you advise if this issue was resolved?

I created a new non-stock kit item and added a couple non stock items to the components, then shipped it and they appear on the pick list as expected:

@hayleehicks18 If your issue is not related to the same topic then I would recommend to create a new topic so it can be answered separately and when a good answer is given it doesn’t get lost on this post.

I’ve found that the non-stock kits default in a qty 0 shipped qty. The allocation of the kit items does not occur until the shipped qty is updated. At that point, the items display on the pick list. Does anyone know why normal items bring over the shipped qty from the order while non-stock kits require inputting in a qty before the kit components allocate and show on the pick list?

Has anyone found a solution for this?

Hi @zoeymuff were you ever able to resolve your issue? Thank you!

i see what you mean, yes, it is set up as required shipment: see below


Thank you! can you elaborate? do you mean enable/disable feature setup?



@zoeymuff - That all looks good.  What does the set-up of your Non-Stock Item look like?  I assume that you’ve flagged it as requires shipping?



THANK you for answering: yes i did create the shipmet from the sales order screen.

image 1 below shows sales order designated warehouse =”SHINYFG”

IMAGE 2 shows kit components allocation QTY, “SHINYFG” warehouse have enough to ship the sales order of 2 qty.

all locations at warehouse SHINYFG are allowed for sales. 


image 2 


@zoeymuff  - this is interesting.  Can I ask, did you create the shipment from the Sales Order screen?  Also, as for the components, do you have availble to ship inventory for them in the warehouse?

Non-stock kits should explode on the pick list as there’s logic in the report form that supports this, so this might require a bit of troubleshooting
