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Hi all,


Can you help me on how to upgrade my existing version (2020 R2) into (2021 R2)



Hi all


I appreciate all of your idea and I found out that you can use the Acumatica Wizard to upgrade the version of your Acumatica Instance


Thank you 

@acumaticapm182  While I agree with both @dougmcbride79  and @laura01 If I want to add to their tips, I should mention first thing to be considered is if you have any major customization including in house and ISV customization and make sure you have both party having the compatible package to version you are upgrading to.

Worth mentioning in Acumatica we often, introduce major changes to code and schema in each Version, that means you need to check 2021R1 and 2021R2 Release notes for Developers in order to find out about this changes and that helps with in house customization and find out if you need to make changes or not:

I highly recommend Sandbox, which will be offered to SaaS clients for free (terms and conditions should be checked with your PAM) and in case of Hosted environment you need that Sandbox installed and test major processes in new version and make sure all of the possible scenarios, even those that are rare are tested. This way you would have a smooth transition to new version.

We found that our partner’s help (we use Cloud 9) is critical when doing Acumatica upgrades. For us the steps are: (1) we ask our partner to request an upgrade from Acumatica, (2) Acumatica does the “test” upgrade in our Acumatica Sandbox, (3) our Acumatica Sandbox is connected to our Big Commerce Sandbox, (4) we test in our Acumatica Sandbox, (5) we also test in our Big Commerce Sandbox, (6) our partner fixes any issues we find, and (7) once we are comfortable all is working correctly (especially customizations), we request our partner to work with Acumatica and do the upgrade in our Acumatica production site.  

We are looking forward to the day (we hope soon) that we can join the always current program Acumatica has for some customers.  In this program, Acumatica will install the current build each month and do the release upgrades shortly after release.  This program would prevent all of us from getting behind in our technology.   


The answer depends on whether your site is Hosted “in the cloud” or is installed on a local server within your organization. 

If hosted: to upgrade your Acumatica, contact your Partner (the organization who sold the software to your organization) and they will submit an upgrade case with Acumatica. They will coordinate the upgrade for a time when your users are out. If your site is customized, there is a process that includes testing in a test-upgraded Sandbox site, prior to the upgrade.

If Acumatica is installed locally, not hosted :  Your Partner and/or IT person will upgrade the site for you. As mentioned above, the upgrade process may include a practice upgrade and related testing.

While going through the process, I recommend upgrading to the latest available, 2022 R1.  Good luck.
