As we verified, by clicking the “customer statement” button on customer screen, the system always prints the report version with the statement date largest.
However,a user prepared a statement on 2/5/2021 and chosen 12/31/2021 as the statement date, which makes it always the latest one.
Is there a way to delete this statement?
If this record exists, the user always get an incorrect version of statement by clicking the “customer statement” on customer screen.
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Hi, @ray20 You can delete the Customer Statements using the below query but if you delete the last statement and try to click on the “Customer Statement” in the Customers screen, you will get the below error. Please find the screenshot for reference.
Here is the query:
Delete from ARStatement where CompanyID=2 and BranchID=16 and CustomerID=7048 and StatementDate ='2021-02-01 00:00:00' and OnDemand=1
Hope this helps!!
I met this case again The scripts Acumatica provided is fully functional, but it would roll back all to a certain date.
Normally, we just want to clean a single one, then you can do below NOTE: it is risky, should never run unless you get official support or verification directly.
supposing you are having a statement date larger than 0730 and under customer id=648 to clean.
Checking the below 5 tables, to see whether this table having data to clean or update.
select * from ARStatement where CustomerID=648 and CompanyID=2 and StatementDate>'2022-07-30 00:00:00' select * from ARStatementDetail where CustomerID=648 and CompanyID=2 and StatementDate>'2022-07-30 00:00:00' select * from ARStatementAdjust where CustomerID=648 and CompanyID=2 and StatementDate>'2022-07-30 00:00:00' select * from ARRegister where CustomerID=648 and CompanyID=2 and StatementDate>'2022-07-30 00:00:00' select * from ARAdjust where CustomerID=648 and CompanyID=2 and StatementDate>'2022-07-30 00:00:00'
ARRegister,ARAdjust should have no data if you have already re-prepare statement in system. ARStatementAdjust, I did not see any data on my end, I don’t know what is this table for.
So normally, you only have to clean the unnecessary data in ARStatementDetail and ARStatement. First, clean ARStatementDetail, then ARStatement
NOTE: it is risky, always remember the where clause and never run it unless get official verification.
If statement can not be deleted on the screen, is there a way to clean it by db script?
@Naveen B Thank you, Captain. I have submitted a case, and would update after I have got response. By the way, if you regenerate a statement, will this error be disapperred?
Yes @ray20 Error will NOT come if you regenrate again.
@Naveen B Thank you for confirming this. the Acumatica support ask me to rasie an idea for enhancement.
That would great, if we get this feature in future builds.
@Naveen B Hello, my friend and others would be interested. From the official feedback, we’ve already recorded a change request to ask for the function of deleting the latest statement. But without ETA or guranteed time to complete this change request.
So, right now, a DB script might be the only opinion
Note: every case is unique.
Below is just an example and it would not applied to all scenarios
Every time if someone met statement issue, the best way is to ask help from the official support team.
Do not run the codes on production environment.
/*The script removes statements and all associated data for the specified period. Also corrected the wrong StatementLastDate of customers.*/
DECLARE @CycleID as varchar(10); DECLARE @LastStmtDate as varchar(10); DECLARE @CompanyID as int;
--============================================= --SET YOUR PARAMETERS HERE: SET @CycleID = 'EOM'; -- put here statement cycle SET @LastStmtDate = '2021-12-31'; -- put here latest statement date you want to rollback SET @CompanyID = 2; -- put here companyid --=============================================
UPDATE ARStatementCycle SET LastStmtDate = @LastStmtDate WHERE ARStatementCycle.StatementCycleID = @CycleID AND CompanyID = @CompanyID ; --find all the statements to remove SELECT ARStatement.CompanyID, ARStatement.BranchID, ARStatement.CustomerID, ARStatement.StatementDate, ARStatement.CuryID, ARStatement.StatementCycleID, ARStatementCycle.LastStmtDate INTO #ARStatement FROM ARStatement INNER JOIN ARStatementCycle ON ARStatementCycle.CompanyID = ARStatement.CompanyID AND ARStatementCycle.StatementCycleID = ARStatement.StatementCycleID WHERE ARStatement.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND ARStatementCycle.StatementCycleID = @CycleID AND ARStatement.StatementDate > @LastStmtDate
--Customer with the appropriate StatementCycleID, but he has a statement for another StatementCycleID in the generated period. --He is the parent with appropriate parameters to generate the statement SELECT ARStatement.CompanyID, ARStatement.BranchID, ARStatement.CustomerID, ARStatement.StatementDate, ARStatement.CuryID, ARStatement.StatementCycleID, @LastStmtDate FROM Customer INNER JOIN ARStatement ON ARStatement.CompanyID = Customer.CompanyID AND ARStatement.CustomerID = Customer.BAccountID AND ARStatement.StatementCycleId != customer.StatementCycleId AND Customer.StatementCycleId = @CycleID AND Customer.StatementLastDate > @LastStmtDate AND Customer.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND ARStatement.StatementDate > @LastStmtDate INNER JOIN Customer as CustomerMaster ON CustomerMaster.BAccountID = Customer.StatementCustomerID AND CustomerMaster.CompanyID = Customer.CompanyID AND (CustomerMaster.StatementLastDate <= @LastStmtDate OR CustomerMaster.StatementLastDate IS NULL) ; SELECT ARStatementDetail.CompanyID, ARStatementDetail.BranchID, ARStatementDetail.CustomerID, ARStatementDetail.CuryID, ARStatementDetail.DocType, ARStatementDetail.RefNbr, ARStatementDetail.StatementDate, #ARStatement.LastStmtDate INTO #ARStatementDetails FROM ARStatementDetail INNER JOIN #ARStatement ON ARStatementDetail.CompanyID = #ARStatement.CompanyID AND ARStatementDetail.BranchID = #ARStatement.BranchID AND ARStatementDetail.CustomerID = #ARStatement.CustomerID AND ARStatementDetail.StatementDate = #ARStatement.StatementDate AND ARStatementDetail.CuryID = #ARStatement.CuryID ; SELECT ARStatementAdjust.CompanyID, ARStatementAdjust.BranchID, ARStatementAdjust.CustomerID, ARStatementAdjust.StatementDate, ARStatementAdjust.CuryID, ARStatementAdjust.AdjdDocType, ARStatementAdjust.AdjdRefNbr, ARStatementAdjust.AdjgDocType, ARStatementAdjust.AdjgRefNbr, ARStatementAdjust.AdjNbr, #ARStatement.LastStmtDate INTO #ARStatementAdjust FROM ARStatementAdjust INNER JOIN #ARStatement ON ARStatementAdjust.CompanyID = #ARStatement.CompanyID AND ARStatementAdjust.CustomerID = #ARStatement.CustomerID AND ARStatementAdjust.BranchID = #ARStatement.BranchID AND ARStatementAdjust.StatementDate = #ARStatement.StatementDate AND ARStatementAdjust.CuryID = #ARStatement.CuryID ; --UPDATE ARRegister TABLE: UPDATE ARRegister SET ARRegister.StatementDate = #ARStatementDetails.LastStmtDate FROM ARRegister INNER JOIN #ARStatementDetails ON #ARStatementDetails.CompanyID = ARRegister.CompanyID AND #ARStatementDetails.BranchID = ARRegister.BranchID AND #ARStatementDetails.CustomerID = ARRegister.CustomerID AND #ARStatementDetails.CuryID = ARRegister.CuryID AND #ARStatementDetails.DocType = ARRegister.DocType AND #ARStatementDetails.RefNbr = ARRegister.RefNbr ; --UPDATE ARAdjust TABLE: UPDATE ARAdjust SET ARAdjust.StatementDate = #ARStatementAdjust.LastStmtDate FROM ARAdjust INNER JOIN #ARStatementAdjust ON #ARStatementAdjust.CompanyID = ARAdjust.CompanyID AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjdDocType = ARAdjust.AdjdDocType AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjdRefNbr = ARAdjust.AdjdRefNbr AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjgDocType = ARAdjust.AdjgDocType AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjgRefNbr = ARAdjust.AdjgRefNbr AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjNbr = ARAdjust.AdjNbr ; --DELETE FROM ARStatementDetail TABLE: DELETE ARStatementDetail FROM ARStatementDetail INNER JOIN #ARStatementDetails ON #ARStatementDetails.CompanyID = ARStatementDetail.CompanyID AND #ARStatementDetails.BranchID = ARStatementDetail.BranchID AND #ARStatementDetails.CustomerID = ARStatementDetail.CustomerID AND #ARStatementDetails.StatementDate = ARStatementDetail.StatementDate AND #ARStatementDetails.CuryID = ARStatementDetail.CuryID AND #ARStatementDetails.DocType = ARStatementDetail.DocType AND #ARStatementDetails.RefNbr = ARStatementDetail.RefNbr ; --DELETE FROM ARStatementAdjust TABLE: DELETE ARStatementAdjust FROM ARStatementAdjust INNER JOIN #ARStatementAdjust ON #ARStatementAdjust.CompanyID = ARStatementAdjust.CompanyID AND #ARStatementAdjust.BranchID = ARStatementAdjust.BranchID AND #ARStatementAdjust.CustomerID = ARStatementAdjust.CustomerID AND #ARStatementAdjust.CuryID = ARStatementAdjust.CuryID AND #ARStatementAdjust.StatementDate = ARStatementAdjust.StatementDate AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjdDocType = ARStatementAdjust.AdjdDocType AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjdRefNbr = ARStatementAdjust.AdjdRefNbr AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjgDocType = ARStatementAdjust.AdjgDocType AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjgRefNbr = ARStatementAdjust.AdjgRefNbr AND #ARStatementAdjust.AdjNbr = ARStatementAdjust.AdjNbr ; --DELETE FROM ARStatement TABLE: DELETE ARStatement FROM ARStatement INNER JOIN #ARStatement ON #ARStatement.CompanyID = ARStatement.CompanyID AND #ARStatement.BranchID = ARStatement.BranchID AND #ARStatement.CustomerID = ARStatement.CustomerID AND #ARStatement.StatementDate = ARStatement.StatementDate AND #ARStatement.CuryID = ARStatement.CuryID ; DROP TABLE #ARStatement; DROP TABLE #ARStatementDetails; DROP TABLE #ARStatementAdjust;
--Set StatementLastDate to max StatementDate from all customer's statements: UPDATE Customer SET Customer.StatementLastDate = c.MaxStatementDate FROM Customer INNER JOIN (SELECT Customer.BAccountID, Customer.CompanyID, Customer.StatementLastDate, MAX(ARStatement.StatementDate) AS MaxStatementDate FROM Customer INNER JOIN ARStatement ON ARStatement.CompanyID = Customer.CompanyID AND ARStatement.CustomerID = Customer.BAccountID WHERE Customer.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND Customer.DeletedDatabaseRecord = 0 AND Customer.StatementLastDate > @LastStmtDate GROUP BY Customer.BAccountID, Customer.CompanyID, Customer.StatementLastDate HAVING MAX(ARStatement.StatementDate) != Customer.StatementLastDate) AS c
ON Customer.BAccountID = c.BAccountID AND Customer.CompanyID = c.CompanyID AND Customer.StatementLastDate != c.MaxStatementDate ; --Reset Customer.StatementLastDate for those who have no ARStatement UPDATE Customer SET Customer.StatementLastDate = @LastStmtDate FROM Customer LEFT JOIN ARStatement ON ARStatement.CompanyID = Customer.CompanyID AND ARStatement.CustomerID = Customer.BAccountID WHERE Customer.CompanyID = @CompanyID AND NOT Customer.StatementLastDate IS NULL AND ARStatement.CustomerID IS NULL
@ray20 Great.. Thanks for sharing the update :)
When will these be implemented as part of being able to delete and rerun statements from the Application?
When will these be implemented as part of being able to delete and rerun statements from the Application?
@Jp89 , Hello, I am sorry, I don’t know their release plan. But currently, the statements can be re-prepared from the application. You can find all records on statement history.