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I’d like to use the “Create Sales Order” action in an Import Scenario on drop-ship purchase orders. Here’s the process flow I’m trying to make work:

  1. Create drop-ship PO, enter PO line(s), save the PO
  2. Use Business Event to trigger an Import Scenario based on newly inserted record
    1. Import Scenario accesses the newly created PO record and does a “<Action: Remove Hold> (ReleaseFromHold)” step. This is working.
    2. Import Scenario performs “<Action: Create Sales Order> (CreateSalesOrder)” step, fills in Sales Order Type of “SO”, and selects OK to close dialog box, create the Sales Order, and enter the SO Type/number/line into the associated reference fields on the drop ship PO line. This is NOT working. ***I need help w this step.***
    3. Import Scenario puts the PO back on hold using “<Action: Hold> (PutOnHold)”. This is working (when I inactivate the mapping lines related to #2 above).
    4. Import Scenario checks the box for “SO Linked” -- I cannot find an Action for this.  I only see Actions related to “Unlink”, but I don’t see anything for “Link”. ***I need help w this step.***
    5. Import Scenario removes the PO from hold again using “<Action: Remove Hold> (RemoveFromHold)”. This is working.
  3. I will also create another Business Event to then trigger an Import Scenario to automatically take the newly-created SO off hold.

Can someone help me w steps 2 and 4 above? 

I’ve seen the YouTube video that Acumatica recorded that talks about how you need to answer a dialog box in an IS (Import Scenario) before the mapping line that causes the dialog box to appear (the example in the video deals w changing Customer Class...but that’s a dialog box that asks a Yes/No question; it doesn’t require input from the user first as in my case, where I need to enter the Sales Order Type of “SO”, then click Yes). I’ve tried ordering the mapping lines in my IS multiple ways but I can’t seem to get it right.  My Business Event is NOT erring out, it’s showing successful completion, but I don’t get a SO type/number/line on my PO line showing the successful creation and link of a new SO.

Not sure if this is readable, but here’s a screenshot of one version of my IS. Step 2 deals w the highlighted line and the two lines below it.

Thank you for any assistance!

Hi @Chris Hackett , no I was not able to find a solution.  We re-thought the process and went another direction completely.

Hi @bgreene87 - were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Thanks for the info!

We’re trying to avoid a workflow that begins w SO in this phase.  This is a multi-phase implementation, and we’re starting POs.  SOs will come next phase.  We are feeding the PO in by API, and the only reason we’re dealing w an SO at all is because we have to to get around the “awaiting link”. Otherwise it would be our preference to not involve an SO at all. Perhaps I should instead be looking into adjusting the drop-ship PO workflow and removing/deactivating the “awaiting link” status?  I don’t want to do anything irreversible though, as it’ll need to go back to original next phase.

We were able to manually click the “SO Linked” box from within the PO once I used the Create SO button to create the SO and the SO number appeared on the PO line.  I didn’t need to go into the newly created SO and check any boxes.

I also looked into the  “SO Linked” checkbox question you raised. When I manually click ‘Create SO’ from a Drop Ship Purchase order with ‘awaiting link’ status, I need to open the newly created SO and click on ‘PO Linked’ checkbox on each line. Once I click ON this setting in the Sales Order, I refresh the PO and the PO’s ‘SO Linked’ checkbox is also linked. It seems like the settings on both of these two fields are driven by actions in the SO, not the PO.

One more thing to consider: a workflow that begins with Sales Orders.  When Sales Order lines are Marked for PO, we can use Create Purchase Orders screen to create multiple Purchase Orders at once to fulfill many SO Lines that are awaiting POs.  Both SO and PO modules have helpful Inquiries to identify documents with lines ‘awaiting links’.


I tried some different options today. I can suggest some changes, but in the end my import was not successful.  Your original:

  1. Move Action → Create Sales Order up 1 line
  2. Use Target Object Create Sales Order with field  Order Type and Field Value =’SO’

I don’t see any option to press <OK> within the Create Sales Order area.  Using Dialog Answer with ‘OK’ didn’t work for me. The last 4 lines I tried without success:

I hope this gives you some ideas so you can make it successful.

Yes, I did not actually try the action → just thought the SO screen would open with ‘create sales order’.  I’ll think about this, try it, and see if I can figure it out.


It will save me some time, please, if you can post your import scenario as XML export, for use in my testing.

Thanks Laura.  Yes, I realize you can only import to one screen at a time, however, I was hoping this would be treated more like a dialog box vs another screen.  What pops up when you click “create sales order” isn’t the sales order screen or anything like it, it’s just a small pop-up box that asks for the type and then you click Ok and it takes you back to the PO screen. I know you can answer dialog box questions (buttons), so was hoping I could populate the type field w “SO” and then click the OK. I realize the type box is different than an “OK’ clickable button, but was hoping it would still work.

I’m definitely open to suggestions for other ways to accomplish what I’m trying to do. I was just hoping to use the “Create Sales Order” button because it not only creates the SO w all the correct data from the PO, it also auto-populates the PO line w the SO data (although I don’t understand why it wouldn’t also then click the “SO Linked” checkbox too (my step 2.4., which I realize now wouldn’t be an action after all but rather just a value assignment to that field of “true”), unless I’m doing something wrong and that it’s supposed to be auto-checked when the “Create Sales Order” button is clicked and processed?). Unfortunately “Create Sales Orders for drop ship POs” isn’t a Process screen that I could run an IS against. That could’ve maybe worked too if it were available...

Thanks again!


We can only import into one screen at a time. Step 2 is the challenge where you need to press a button from Purchase order, then answer questions on the Sales Order. Similar question below.

Maybe there is a way to do this, a solution that is not an import scenario.  Another person will come along with suggestions, perhaps.  Good luck.
