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Receiving message:'One or more lines have unassigned Location and/or Lot/Serial Number' error when saving an inventory adjustment transaction 

The Adjustment is to add a quantity to a valid Location.

The QOH for the item is -0-. The purpose of the adjustment transaction is to have bring the inventory records to reflect the proper actual QOH.

Is there a means of assigning a location to be valid for a given Inventory Item?

The location was previously used to record a quantity of the same Item before it went to zero.

Hi @marina25 The issue posted by you seems to be different issue than the topic being covered here. Is it possible to open a new ticket, and Share the screenshot of the Lotserial class to verify the settings of the lotserial class.


If the lot number/serial number has been set to None i am not able to enter inventory adjustment without providing lot/serial number information. How can I correct this issue in the item class setup?


Hi @mpeck12 Please post the screenshot of the Adjustments transaction being tried. If the error says to select the Location or lot/serial nbr, you have to select the location or enter the lot/serial# for the item being received, with steps shown below.


Steps To Select a Location


Adding a lot or Serial #



@mpeck12 , were you able to resolve this issue? We’re having the same problem trying to import an inventory balance of items that have à Serialized class. 
