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Can I get "backorder" Sales Order to "complete" in batch?

  • 13 January 2021
  • 3 replies


     As I checked, for the back order status SO , the “complete order” button is disabled.

Only the “Cancel Order” button is enabled.


      If I click “cancel order”, then the order would become “cancelled” status.

It would be a little confusing, because it is not a “totally” cancel, it is just a “partial cancel”.


        And for this scenario, we would very much like to make the order as “completed”, even if we don’t want to ship the rest of goods.

        “Completed” is better for us than “Cancelled”


I can make every single “back order” to “completed” 1by 1 that I just open the order, and mark every line to completed, and then I can click the “complete order”.
but It is quite time consuming.

         Is there a way that I can do in batch?


@ray20 I don’t think this feature is available out of the box. 

Again, to achieve this, we need to come up with new customization :wink:

@Naveen B 
Thank you , great idea. Yes, this is a workable way. I am just wondering, why Acumatica don’t put the “complete” functions for back order out of box.

we are having a situation that, to close the back order or not is not decided by me. Some user would like to complete the orders they would like complete in a short way. And they are NOT good skilled to use import scenarios.
I are capable of using import scenario, I can even write a inquiry as the data source, but this would still make things complicated. 

Can we have 1 button with 1 click to close all they want?

 Hi @ray20,

We can do the bulk process using Import scenarios.

In the import scenario, We need to update the “Completed” checkbox at SOLine level then that will be changed to “Completed” status from “Back Order”.


Hope this helps!!
