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I have a site who want sales orders to auto populate with a freight charge based on the overall weight of the order and the zone of the customer.

I have attached zones to the customers and setup ship via codes set with calculation method of net and under freight rates I have entered weights, volumes, zones and rates.

When an order is entered it will pick up the zone from the customer and the ship via I want to auto populate dependant on the zone and order weight.and then add in the charge.

I have automatic packaging switched on in the features and on the order type I have selected Calculate Freight.

Development  would be pretty easy to do but trying if possible to avoid this if anyone can advise on how to do the above   







One idea would be calculate the price for the freight charged to the customer from the matrix Weight/Zone from the Ship via.


That being, Acumatica will look at the combinaison Ship via/Shipping Zone and then the weight of the sales order to find the price you will charge to the customer. You do not even need Shipping Terms.


Off course, then the cost of the freight for the sales order won’t be the correct one but if you do not need it otherwise….

Hi @juneterris87 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Sorry just saw the rest of your reply that will not work for this site

Customer A is in Zone 1 and their order weight is 15kg so the shipping charge should be £10.00

Customer A places another order Zone 1 this time order weight is 25Kg I want the charge to autopopulate as £40.00

Basically need to set parameters linking the zone to a weight which will calculate the delivery charge automatically 

Thank for the reply - I have used shipping terms for another site using order value shipping costs

Can you clarify how this would be setup



You just missing Shipping terms so it knows if you should be basing the charge on a flat rate, per line, Cost (in your case) or cost plus X percent to cover surcharges and other fees.  

Create a Shipping Terms Profile

Then attached it to the Customer Main, Location, or Sales Order.  

You can have it calculate from the Shipment or the Sale Order.  Just depends on your flow and when cost is finalized or if have Shipments at all.  

Does this help?  Or are you having an issue with the other steps mentioned?  
