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I wanted to start T190 Quick Start in Customization course but I’m not able to deploy the instance for it. Here are the steps I did:

  • In Acumatica ERP Configuration Wizard I selected “Deploy a New Acumatica ERP Instance for T-Series Developer Courses”
  • I followed all the steps in the wizard up to the Finish (configuration file is attached)
  • After clicking Finish the Wizard silently crashed
  • Log file is attached as well

I’m able to deploy an empty instance (Deploy a New Acumatica ERP Instance) and also T200, T210 and T210 training instances. Only T190 doesn’t work. What’s wrong?

Thanks, Marek

Hi @Scholaster,

Are you able to open the Acumatica Configuration Wizard again?

Have you tried opening the T190 website in a browser? If yes, are you able to log into the instance, or are you encountering any issues?


Hi Dipak,

Yes I’m able to open the wizard again.

In Application Maintenance I can see the other deployed instances (T200, ...) and I can open them in a browser.

In Database Maintenance I can see databases for the other deployed instances (T200, ...)

There is no trace of T190 and I can’t open it in a browser.


Hi @Scholaster 


What version are you on, looking at the log, it looks like 24R2?


Trying to open the website is a good idea as @Dipak Nilkanth said, also checking SSMS to see if the database was created, and the Acumatica ERP folder to see if you have the T190 instance.





Yes it is 24R2

No DB created

Folder C:\TCourseInstances doesn’t contain subfolder SmartFix_T190 (there are SmartFix_T200 and the others)



I’ve just noticed folder “Acumatica ERP/HelpAndTraining” containing subfolders:

T200, T210, T220, T230, T240 and T270

Is it OK that T190 is missing?


Yes I believe that’s correct, mine doesn’t have T190 either.


I think you should retry making the instance.


Let us know if that works.




I tried several times. No success.

The warnings at the beginning of the log file (recorded when the wizard is starting) are normal?

[10:40:24 WRN] [oem] Error while loading the Autofac.dll. Message: Could not find assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Either explicitly load this assembly using a method such as LoadFromAssemblyPath() or use a MetadataAssemblyResolver that returns a valid assembly.
[10:40:24 WRN] [oem] Error while loading the Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll. Message: Could not find assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. Either explicitly load this assembly using a method such as LoadFromAssemblyPath() or use a MetadataAssemblyResolver that returns a valid assembly.



I would love to give you a definite answer, but I do not have enough knowledge to.


I would guess not.

Maybe uninstalling and reinstalling a clean Acumatica would work.



As an aside, I don’t think you need to do T190. T190 is a quick start but the T2xx series covers everything in more depth.

I agree with @Django the T190 is a quick overview of all the training courses.


doing them all in order would be more beneficial

Hi @aiwan  and @Django ,

it looks like this is, unfortunately, the way to go. 

As I’m completely new to Acumatica I wanted to start from the very beginning.

Thank you for your effort.
