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Please assist
We have a Pro Forma page generic inquiry page that lists Pro Forma
On Click of the reference number can navigate to edit a single pro forma invoice

We have added a customization that allows us to send pro forma invoices to finance department and then updates the pro forma extension which contains fields : UsrSubmitToFinance:bool; UsrSubmitToFinanceLastUser:string and UsrSubmitToFinanceLastUser: datetime
on click of the submit to finance bool field it updates the database extension fine sets the date and who updated.

The issue i am having now is that i cannot seem to select multiple proformas from a new screen i created that lists the proforma invoices and do a mass update.
I know there is a action you can set on the generic inquiry but issue with that is has update all which can be clicked by mistake and end up sending everything through

So that is why we took the approach to have another screen which when it is successfull we will deactivate the generic inquiry 

When i do multiple select and update it only updates the view and cache when refreshing everything is set back to what it was

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