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Can an employee record that was deleted be recovered?  I deleted employee (0000709) because there was a duplicate.  But I actually need to use id 0000709 for an employee.  However, if I try to set an employee ID to 0000709 now it gives the following error.  I figured if I could recover the deleted record, then I can simply update the other information for that record.  What's the work around here?

Hi @gowrishankarsaravanakumar33 

We dont have the option to recover the deleted Employee.

The used ID cannot be used again since the record is deleted with the same ID.

Hello @gowrishankarsaravanakumar33 

This might be possible via a script and be billable. Kindly open a support case for the same.

Hi @gowrishankarsaravanakumar33 

Check this thread. This approach should let you use deleted entity ID.

Hope this helps


Hello @gowrishankarsaravanakumar33 

This might be possible via a script and be billable. Kindly open a support case for the same.

Business Accounts can be recovered by setting the DeletedDatabaseRecord flag from 0 to 1. What else may have been deleted in the process would be the question. But if the objective is simply to recover the account, this seems doable.
