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It's great that we have such a vibrant Acumatica community to get quick answers to questions and gain product knowledge! We have very active members jumping in to help others out all the time. The goal of the community is to respond to every member’s question so that no one goes away "empty handed".

Connect, Learn, Share


***Check out the below HOT KB tip***

Known issue: If on the Tenants form, a user deleted a snapshot or clicked Optimize Database, the system could lock the database, and it became impossible to work with the site for some period of time


Shoutout to the following members who provided tips and assisted with unanswered questions this past week. Thank you for all your help!

@hkabiri  @laura01  @dgodsill97 
@josh.fischer  @derek57  @Naveen Boga 
@Shawn Burt  @Dmitrii Naumov  @vkumar 
@kbeatty21  @Heidi Dempsey  @TimRodman 
@rosenjon  @yhartman  @jessica.pidgeon 
@jinin  @kratzert  @JenniferPrincipe67 
@mpowell  @lauraj46  @darylbowman 
@ddunn  @cmoreland  @DanielStarke 
@mrysev  @ruchikasharma23  @Irina 
@kyle90  @paulgilfoy13  @mcraig95 
@Brian Rowerdink  @nmansinha  @jmcclelland95 
@Neil Cantral  @sheilao08  @pkohler91 
@MRoszkowski15  @coen5  @iancook36 
@markusray17  @kchan15  @joelhoffman 
@BenjaminCrisman  @JohnCovati35  @Fred Reiter 
@ltussing03  @mweaver78  @brenthitterdal 
@ray20  @GraemeLM  @ShahidaValiSyed04 
@ppowell  @smarenich  @Camilo Acosta 
@Doug Johnson  @Debbie Baldwin  @dlevoniuk 
@NageswaraRaoAddanki60  @debramignola02  @StaceyReitz23 
@variuxdavid  @Leonardo Justiniano  @asmith50 
@Omar Ghazi  @Andy Smith  @mscardina54 


Think you have a potential answer, Jump In!

Help a Fellow Community Member Out!

Here's the list of questions that need response for this coming week. Hopefully with everyone’s help we can clean some of these up which may help others seeking similar answers in the future. Grab one before they’re gone:sunglasses: !


bank entries in once currency paying invoices in another

AI vendor bots in Acumatica

Set Sales order type by branch

How to set up one item class for multiple design template item with different attribute

Workflow for Shipment Screen

Error appears in Prepare Payments when AP Bills being paid have lien waivers

Is there a way to programmatically tie into Drag and Drop Functionality?

Balance Sheet accounts balances

Show create PO GI on Sales Order tab

Legitimately re-use a serial number on the shipment screen

Remove cash discount on a specific payment method

How to convert Price using currency rate in GI?

List of user accounts that have registered devices attached


Thank you all for your efforts! 

@Chris Hackett

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